This blog is about a boy. A boy I met when I was in first year high school. He was the classmate of my sister. He is tall, shy, talented and oh so cute to my eyes.
It wasn't until second year that I started really noticing him. Lets keep his identity under his initial RA. He plays basketball, he plays the guitar, he joins monolog contests and oh he is so damn cute.... wait I already mentioned that did I not... BUT he doesn't like me, he never did.
We got acquainted say about 2005. Era where friendster and yahoo messenger was still alive. I was working in a call center and he works at home doing editing jobs.
I must admit, I was a flirt back then. Or better yet lets put it this way, I thought I was a woman who can get who ever I want at that time. Feelingera in short...
So I did my thing and I got to sleep with me. It was purely one time big time that did not flourish into something worth keeping. My sister would kill me if she sees this...I'm positive she wont.
I moved on, he moved on. I deleted him on my facebook as I am a really insecure person. I get jealous when I see him with other women.
Out of I don't know what I was thinking... I searched his name again and there I saw the painful truth. He is now married and has child. It still hurts...
I am not sure if I would categorize this as still a "crush". I still then must have been crushin on him since 90s till now.
I am not even sure why I am blogging about this. I guess I am just thrilled that I am feeling something.... bad or not, this is the kind of emotion that I used to feel and still feeling now for him.
RA, I treasure what we had, though it may seem nothing to you, to me its a treasured short but sweet memory. I hope you are happy now which I am sure you are.