Monday, February 6, 2017

Meet Maxx.

He was four months old when we got him Oct of 2016. I was aiming for a pug. But no pug for sale when my daughter and I went to Cartimar. We saw some cute chihuahuas but they look too fragile. So as the Yorkshires and dachshund. This Yoranian caught our attention as he was so playful and he just made a connection with his sweet looks. He stared straight to our eyes with the looks saying "this is the day I get my human".  We went around twice there is just no excuse not to get this cute one.

We were told that since he is a Pomeranian crossed Yorkie, that he would stay small, in a mini dog category. Did not happen.

Here he is at 6 months. He certainly has grown. I hope he stops growing. So he would just be this cute cuddly fur ball that keeps my stress off and makes me smile.

Here he is with my daughter. Hes 7 months old.